Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mcdonald's Baked Apple Pie

This is just something for the guys back home. The apple pies from McD's here are baked; not deep-fried.

What a bummer. Funny as it sounds, I actually miss deep-fried apple pies, at least I'll be home soon.



red fir said...

Welcome home! =)

D said...

ice: Oh, I'm not back yet but thanks for the preempt =)

red fir said...

Totally out of topic here, but when you eat PB&J sandwich, do you toast your bread? I usually don't but I'm wondering how it'd taste like toasted...haha sorry munching my morning PB&J snack now. =) Mad about PB&J sandwich!

D said...

ice: Hmm i've had it toasted before and untoasted as well. Toasted is good because it melts the pb. I guess I prefer toasted versions in cold weather? But on the go, it's always untoasted for ease of consumption and portability.

red fir said...

Ooo...thanks! :) Melted pb sounds good. When I was younger, I went through a phase when I had toast with peanut butter everyday. This one I toast the bread together with a thick layer of pb.

Freezy said...

haha.. checked your blog after a really loooonnnngggg break from it.. glad to know that it is still going on!!

so when are you coming back?? haha.. miss home food yet?? =P

J said...

oh u are coming back!!!! really!!! WOW! really looking forward to meet you.....oh did we just meet like 2 days ago? ......

Anonymous said...

Oh OH You are back!!! Wow! Selamat Datang...Sawadekap

Anonymous said...

Ahh! Apple pie!!

zhengning said...

how i wish i can have some of these apple pies! baked ones! haha.
and welcome back :)

Krista M said...

Hi nice reading yyour post