Thursday, January 18, 2007

Night Market, Da Lat, Vietnam

Da Lat's night market is not like the night markets you get in Taiwan at all. This market is actually one where you go to get groceries and daily needs, not a large variety of snacks and cutesy gifts haha.

Even the meat is just sold in the open. It helps that Da Lat is a hilltown and experiences pretty cool weather (quite cold at night even), so the meat is still quite fresh even though it's just laid out on tables.

A stall selling hot drinks to warm you up abit. There are green bean, soy bean and peanut drinks here. Besides the dough fritters, there was also an assortment of other pastries including crossants; reflective of their French colonial past (there are many exellent bakeries in Vietnam).

Banh trang nuong is a grilled rice paper snack that's quite popular.

As the rice paper sheet is slowly grilled, it loses its translucency and slow becomes more opaque and crisp. Shallots and chilli sauce are then spread on it.

It's then folded and eaten almost like a taco. This was pretty good but I think it would have been better if there was some meat in it.

Smelled someone grilling corn cobs with butter from a distance and decided to grab one as well. Hot snacks on a cold night, great stuff.


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