Thanksgiving is pretty much an American and Canadian holiday. I'm not going to go into details on what it's about (because there's Wikipedia) but it's a holiday I appreciate due the huge amounts of food consumed. Here's a picture of at the dinner table of my gracious host, AH and family.
D's spotting a new haircut but more importantly spotting an extremely hungry tummy too, which explained why he didn't take more pictures of the food he enjoyed that evening!

Round the corner of AH's neighbourhood is a cool wholesale market.

They sell everything here and I mean "EVERYTHING". What the hell is "
cow something??!!?".

And living up to the wholesale name, everything here is sold huge bulks too (and look at those fantastic prices!). But AH had a whole list of restaurants lined up for this long weekend, I would have loved to throw some of those ribeyes on the barbecue. Maybe next time aye?

Since the viewing of all the meat drove us to the brink of a hunger frenzy we had to stop somewhere to break our fast.. er.. or just to have some breakfast haha.

We started with some pastries. But what's this? Pastries (read as non-meat) won't cut it for a proper brekky.

A bowl of steaming hot beef soup. Generously served with pieces of short-rib, this was exactly the thing for the cold late Autumn morn.

And of course we had to stuff ourselves with beef tacos just for the hell of it. Tender, well marinated beef chunks on a warm soft taco shell = yum.

This wholesale complex also sells kitchen equipment. Here's
D with a badass giant pizza spatula. I so need my own brick oven pizza one day.

A. Litteri. Inc is famous for their cold cuts and submarine sandwiches. Alas, we were too full to have a sub.

But we did pick up a fine selection of cold cuts, a few bottles of excellent lambrusco and I got this apron!
Dp.s: Thanks for all the well-wishes in my previous post, I'm going to reply them personally soon.
hi d!
break fast huh-nice play of words. And that pizza spatula.. HUGE. Probably can injure someone with it if you are not careful!
thanks so much for dropping by my blog again! Hobnob has moved to highgate too! but u r so right about their dress-simple, classic yet elegant!
Ahh, have really missed your posts - so few nowadays! Keep em coming! Looks like a fun Thanksgiving you had. Hope you have a great Christmas too!
haha happy thanksgiving! the patsry doesnt look that great =D
D!!! missed your posts! (:
will you be coming back to sg anytime soon?
Looks like you had fun for Thanksgiving! (:
Happy thanksgiving! I just roasted up a very juicy turkey this past Saturday but not for thanksgiving. It was for a Smells Like Christmas dinner..I actually bought this frozen turkey last christmas intending it for a Midsummer's Night Christmas but I broke my jaw so only able to enjoy it now. yum!
daphne: I think that was the origin of the term hmm... hobnob is at highgate now? I'm so far behind the Perth scene =(
camemberu: And all the best for your delivery!
kahsean: they weren't too spectacular, i agree
jiaying: I don't know when I'll go back to sg hey... pretty sure it's not anytime soon. My first thanksgiving was indeed quite memorable =)
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