I seldom venture to the Westside and when I do, it's usually due to a detour from a walk in the park to Big Nick's for some burgers. Big Nick's is somewhat of an institution by now, safe and tasty fare without the need for long waits; trialed and tested to deliver.

Here's the one pound sumo burger. That's right, one pound of pure grounded bovine splendor wedged between two slices of burger bun bread desperately trying to hold it all in. Served with thick cut steak fries, this could pretty much count as one solid meal.

The deli burger, which is a favourite of mine has thick cut savory French toast slices instead of burger bun bread. A slightly smaller patty (still a decent 10-12oz) cooked medium rare and topped with mushrooms and Gruyere cheese. To top up that deli -ook, notice the cute little (and totally redundant) toothpicks with the coloured cellophane wrapped ends.

A straight forward bacon cheese burger that always delivers. Beauty in its simplicity. Like the deli burger, this was requested to be served with waffle fries as well.

Just to make sure we had our vegetable quota for the meal (notice all the salad that came with the burgers too), this is a slice of carrot cake, complete with a dollop of whipped cream sprinkled with hundreds and thousands.
One pound? *faints*
I just wished that they had these things here in sg.
Carrot cake..............zzzzzz
so like you to have carrot cake for vegetables' sake..... haha!
The burgers are all so BIG la!! did u and ur friends finish them all???
ice: it's not that big really ;)
liquidshadow: in sg i normally just get the raw wagyu patties from espirito and grill them at home
j: yes.
jiaying: it's better than nothing! =P
Jaime-La-Nourriture: Yup =)
Thanks a lot for the posted review, it's really interesting to read
Was browsing online for shots of the Sumo to show a friend and found this. Nice review; we'll miss Big Nick's
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