Many people go to clubs for various reasons. I don't always personally agree with their reasons but I do respect that they have the right to make their own decisions. I go to clubs nowadays for primarily only one reason - supper afterwards. It'll be something like this...
Clubber: Hey D, want to go clubbing?
D: Will there be food after?
Clubber: Yeah, I guess we could do supper...
D: I see you baby, shaking that ...
And that's how I found myself at this fabulous streetside shellfish stall late one night in Ho Chi Minh.
Charcoal grilled scallops basted with spring onions in flavored olive oil? I'm sold.
The first dish that was served were the grilled scallops. Basted with the flavored oil and topped off with peanuts. This was so good that we simply had to order another serve.
Stir-fried sea snails in a coconut gravy. The gravy being coconut cream based was pretty fragrant and tasty but the snails were only pretty ok. There was a nice crunchy bit when you first suck out the contents which was quite delectable but that was followed by a slimy bit which I didn't really appreciate.
Boiled blood cockles, these are fully boiled unlike the semi-raw ones served in Singapore. Well it tasted just like any blood cockle.
Grilled giant clams, these were done in similar fashion to the scallops but the clam flesh was sliced up before it was grilled. I liked this alot as well as the flesh had a nice crunch like squid but a stronger shellfish flavor almost akin to that of abalone.
All of this was topped off with steamed clams in a local rice wine and crushed lemon grass stalks. Fresh sweet clams cooked just right, what a way to end off our barrage of shellfish. As with most seafood in Vietnam, this went very well with the lime, salt and pepper dip.
Coincidentally this placed served vit lon (duck foetus egg) as well but although this was rather tasty since it was bathed in this strong flavored sauce, it wasn't the freshest I've had.
I still prefer the ga lon (chicken fetus egg) that I had in Queensland last year. Apparently, the number of eggs you could consume was an indication of how much of a man you are or was it the more eggs eaten would make you more of the man? Nevertheless, needless to say, I had twelve in one sitting.
Clubber: Hey D, want to go clubbing?
D: Will there be food after?
Clubber: Yeah, I guess we could do supper...
D: I see you baby, shaking that ...

wow, it sure looks like you are having a good time! I've never tried fertilised duck embryo or chicken embryo. I hear it's also a delicacy in Philippines, called balut. What does it taste like? Are there feathers?
The duck embryo thingy looks so scary...
Lord Dianabol
Dude, fetus egg?! Awwwwwwwwwwwww, gross!
i can't believe you ate the duck and chicken foetus egg. you dun have to be a vegan to realise that eating those are just so disgusting and cruel.
ur seafood dinner looks yummilious! the duck thingy looks abit scary though. how does it actually taste?
I agree with the second anonymous. You Asians are disgusting, you even eat your own pets. It's about time you people adopted a Western diet, learn how to use a fork, knife and spoon (properly) and stop living in the stoneage!
Hello! Welcome back! Wahha, bet u had great fun trying out the food at Vietnam!
It's so bold of you! I bet i wont dare to try the embryo eggies. how does it taste??
Hey hey hey Daniel, whatever... _|_
Hey hey hey Da niao, watever... _|_
For those who were curious on how the vit lon and ga lon tasted:
It tasted like a mix between a harder hard-boiled egg with some cartilaginous bite. The "soup" in it tastes very rich; almost like chicken essence. It shouldn't have any feathers since it's meant to be harvested before that stage. It's eaten in many ways but the most common one is with salt, pepper and a certain leaf (herb).
For those with not so amicable comments about this post:
I was well aware of the inherent risks that posting about duck and chicken fetal eggs could open a can of worms. However, I have no intention to enter a debate with anyone. I don't have to agree with you but I respect your own opinions on what you think is right or wrong. However, I will not tolerate racial slurs. Let's be civil. I do not wish to deactivate comments on any of my posts.
Wow dude, you are really eating. I like probably all shellfish except cockles, so the rest looks fantastic. I just had dinner man. And they still look good...heh!
To anonymous:
Take your vegan shit and shove it up your ass. Go fight your tree-hugging crusade against KFC or whatever. At least PETA will suck your hole for that. Fucking retard - you must have not been breastfed to be this stupid.
To Daniel:
You dog-fucking cunt. For welfare cheats like you, loving your cat is all the pussy you are ever going to get. It's white-thrash fuckwits like you that give other "westerners" a bad name. Learn to use chopsticks right, then shove them up your ass, then read the research that has proven Asians are the most intelligent race before you come begging for scraps at my table like the fucking retard you are.
to anonymous : I thought your mum must have not thought you any manners before. And you must have not been breastfed to be this rude.
My mum taught me to respect differing food cultures and not to take on an air of superiority in deciding what was cruel or otherwise, when it comes to food selection.
So fuck you, learn your fucking manners before you throw the first fucking stone.
In case you don't understand English, let me spell it out for you: F U C K Y O U
I didn't want to resort to this but I will not let this blog degenerate into a sparring ground. Comments for this post are now disabled =(
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