The only non-food related thing on this blog are the (very) occasional images of sunsets. I realised besides pictures of food, the other pictures I have in my camera are that of sunsets. There are some reasons why I like sunsets more than sunrises but I'll leave that for another time.
So I was in Seoul and I asked my Korean friend to take me somewhere with a good view for sunset pictures. Either the compass directions were wrong (we weren't facing West?) or it was too foggy in the -7degC winter but I didn't get any clear shots of the sun. So technically these aren't exactly sunset shots (like the one at Augusta) but moreso pictures of Seoul city from Seoul Tower at dusk.
I really like it how the colors blend here. All these photographs are posted "as is". No photoshopping at all.
Seoul is really a metropolis and started off with many smaller cities which eventually linked up with the epicenter. It does get dark pretty quick during Winter.
Just a few minutes later and the scene from a higher view was this. Even though I didn't get any clear shots of the sun that night, there was still something about standing motionless (I had no camera-tripod but was using a long shutter timing) with my little Ixus in freezing weather and cold winds that seemed quite random, quite crazy but so D.

omg your in seoul! nice place but too cold for me!!i'll have to wear a lot of clothes lol
Oh I like those pictures.. but I never really like sunrise or sunset.. Hehehe
kahsean: I "was" in Seoul, these pictures were from the period when I was in Seoul for Dec05 to Jan06. It's not winter now heh. The pizza joint in Thornlie is called "Toni Talia's" you HAVE to try their Steve's Special, Alfonso and Meat Lovers.
michie: I like sunsets for specific reasons heh. But glad that you liked these pictures too.
What?! Seoul pictures and no Korean BBQ on authentic stone plates? Or the very thought brings back vivid memories that make you roll up into reverse foetal position, rock backwards and forwards vigourously saying to yourself no more no more! ;-)
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