Not many people make Adam Rd Food Centre a breakfast joint but I've been coming here quite often after my morning exercise. Funny how I frequent here quite often for breakfasts and
suppers, the odd dinner but
never for lunch.

Nothing's better than a freshly brewed cup of tea from
Taj Mahal and they're opened twenty-four-seven, which is ideal as I rock up at about 645AM. Sipping a hot glass of milky tea in the cool morning before the sun rises is
almost a magical experience. I felt
almost at peace with the World, but of course something is missing. A cup of tea
doesn't constitute breakfast!

The egg prata here is not bad, with nice
crisp edges and an eggy centre. It goes well with the mutton curry provided.

A few leisurely sips of tea and the prata will see the clock strike seven, which is just the time to get some deep-fried chicken wings from the nasi lemak stall. I'm not sure which one is
supposedly the famous one but I always get mine from the stall second from the left. The chicken wings are well-seasoned before being dipped in the batter to form a fabulous crunchy coat. Accompanied with a mildy spicy and sweet chili sauce, now
this is what I call breakfast!
I always wonder how they make the chicken wings! They are so good. I wonder what kind of batter they use, do you have any idea D?
Shit, those days are fucking memorable...don't think will able to do it again until 2 years later....fucking hell....
anon: Hmm.. I'm really not sure hey. I know it's primariy rice flour based but I do taste a hint of cassava flour(?) in it. Their chicken wings are seasoned before being dipped into the flavored batter, so it's like a double-hit of taste!
king kong: Did you have to be so vulgar? =P
i used to eat all of this every sunday aft church. now u are ... making ... me... hungry !!
I think I just wet my pants.
Them chook wings are looking mighty awesome.
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